Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions

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Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions

san jose, therapy, counselor, marriage, couples, family, teen, Change & Life Transitions, chris jones, licensed marriage family therapist, mftOne of the most difficult realities of life is that change is the only constant. Seasons change, people come and go, all that lives dies. We often spend so much of our lives trying to achieve our goals, arrange our lives in the manner we desire, and hang onto pleasant situations and avoid unpleasant ones. Sometimes, what is good lasts and what is hard ends quickly; at other times, the reverse is true. One thing to remember is that change often a stressor, and if you have experienced major changes in your life – such a losing a job or relationship, moving, or entering a new phase of life like retirement or “the empty nest” – stress is a near certainty, and quite normal. Therapy can help you make changes in yourself to adjust to changes outside yourself. It can also help you get in touch with what is enduring, such as your values, strengths, close social support system, and spiritual faith.

Top Stressful Changes in Life

Research by psychologists over many years has produced the following list of stressful events. Do any apply to you? Add up their values and give yourself a score. If your score is over 40, therapy is probably a good idea to consider, and if it is over 60, therapy is highly recommended.



100 Death of spouse

73 Divorce

65 Marital separation

63 Jail term

63 Death of close family member (except spouse)

53 Major personal injury or illness

50 Marriage

47 Being fired from work

45 Marital reconciliation

45 Retirement

44 Change in health of family member (not self)

40 Pregnancy

39 Sex difficulties

39 Gain of new family member

39 Business readjustment

38 Change in financial state

37 Death of close friend

36 Change to different occupation

35 Change in number of arguments with spouse

31 Mortgage over $40,000

30 Foreclosure of mortgage or loan

29 Change in responsibilities at work

29 Son or daughter leaving home

29 Trouble with in-laws

28 Outstanding personal achievement

26 Spouse begins or stops work

26 Begin or end school

25 Change in living conditions

24 Change in personal habits (self or family)

23 Trouble with boss

20 Change in work hours or conditions

20 Change in residence

20 Change in schools

19 Change in recreation

19 Change in church activities

18 Change in social activities

17 Mortgage or loan less than $40,000

16 Change in sleeping habits

15 Change in number of family get-togethers

13 Change in eating habits

13 Vacation

12 Christmas

11 Minor violations of the law

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